Kamryn is such a fighter!

>> Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I couldn't be more proud of my little girl and her determination to beat CDH! She has again gone down on her peak pressure and is now at 25. She was at 30 just a couple of days ago and she gets a lot less agitated now when she is moved or touched. We need to get these peak pressures down to around 15 before we can look at graduating to the CPAP breathing assistance. There are other things that will need to happen, but that is one of the big targets. We can hear bowel sounds today and her lungs sound much more clear. The chest x-rays show her heart shifting a little more to the center of her chest and her right lung is inflating more. Each day this gets a little better and we couldn't be more happy!

The NICU nurses continue to be absolutely wonderful to Kamryn and to our family. Each day, Hollie writes a letter to Kamryn and attaches a picture that they put up above her bed. Then, they write a letter back to Hollie with a picture. It makes Hollie feel so good and helps tremendously since she is not allowed in the NICU at all. Here is today's letter from Kamryn. How cool is this?

I just can't say enough about the entire medical team up there at Parkland. Just amazing!

Stef and I have a big night planned. We are going up to the hospital to see our little girl and then we are going out to have a date! Jackie is watching Brooke and we are going to get to go to dinner together and try to relax for just a couple hours. We are really looking forward to it.

Well, that's about it for today. Kamryn keeps on fighting and your thoughts and prayers are getting her and us through this journey each day. We appreciate all of you so very much!

Take care,


Tracy Meats June 24, 2009 at 8:13 PM  

What an amazing medical care team taking care of Kamryn and to take the time and include Hollie!! That is wonderful Hollie is writing letters to her sister, letters to treasure for a lifetime. Wonderful news about Kamryn...keep the good strong days coming! Each passing day, Kamryn is getting stronger. What a blessing to see her make progress everyday. Enjoy your date tonight and celebrate bringing two beautiful miracles into the world. Many prayers for good, stable and strong days for Kamryn.

Hugs to you both,

Maxton's Mommy June 24, 2009 at 9:06 PM  

what an AWESOME team of nurses. That made me cry... :-) It's amazing how many wonderful nurses there are out there! Kamryn is so amazing, and not to mention beautiful!! Hope you date night goes great.


Melissa Kelly June 24, 2009 at 10:08 PM  

I am so, so glad you guys are taking time for yourselves. It is so easy to fall into the NICU lifestyle and feel compelled to hunch over a crib 24/7. You NEED to have a little couple time, the stress can take its toll and that's not good for any of you, babies included!

Keep the good news coming! Your girls are beautiful!

Craftysis7 June 24, 2009 at 10:29 PM  

Praise the Lord!! So glad to hear you are all doing so well!! Your girls are just beautiful, (all three of them)! Still praying, God Bless Your Family!!

Nashville, TN

Jaime's World June 25, 2009 at 1:10 AM  

We hope you enjoyed your date night, what a cool thing to do! Also, I LOVE what the nurses are doing with Hollie! I can't wait until the ban is lifted, so that we can hear how Hollie got to visit Kamryn. Our NICU nurses are really good about letting Jared help with Jaime's care, I'm sure your nurses will be the same!
Continuing to send love and prayers your way!

Scott J Nelson June 25, 2009 at 7:10 AM  

Shawn, I sure hope your date last night wasn't just to Sonic or New New. Hopefully you took Stephanie somewhere nicer.

Gals - Very Smart Gals June 25, 2009 at 12:44 PM  

Thinking of all of you with love,


Rachel Dominguez June 26, 2009 at 11:55 AM  

This post made me cry. That has to be one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. What a wonderful Big Sis Hollie is to do that for her sister (write letters) and how awesome for the staff to take time out of busy schedules to write her back. Simply amazing.

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