It's Official

>> Wednesday, October 29, 2008

WE’RE PREGNANT! It’s official. My beta was 335. We transferred 3 embryos, so since the beta number was so high, we start to brace for multiples.

This Must Be a Dream

>> Monday, October 27, 2008

I decide to test and get it over with. Shawn and Hollie get back from soccer practice that evening, and I tell him that it’s now or never… I go in the bathroom, do my deed, and before I’m even out of the bathroom door, its turning POSITIVE right away. Two lines! It’s what I’ve always wanted to see. I cry to Shawn. We embrace, laugh and cry. He said we need to give it 5 minutes, like the box says. So, we go in the kitchen and I watch him as he finishes dinner. Although, I can only stay away from the test for 1 minute. I go back. And the two lines are still there. It took everything we had not to call our friends and family to share our good news. But, we knew that the pregnancy had to be confirmed by my doctor.

The Waiting Game

>> Saturday, October 25, 2008

I’m down in the dumps. I just know it didn’t work. Shawn goes to the grocery store to get some groceries to make a nice breakfast to cheer me up. I tell him to pick up a pregnancy test while he’s there. He does. It ends up sitting on our bathroom counter for 3 days. I just can’t bring myself to take the test and be faced with failure once again.

The Big Day

>> Saturday, October 18, 2008

This is it!! We transferred 3 perfect embryos. Our 6th and final attempt to grow our family. Currently, we are a family of three. Me, Stephanie (36), my husband Shawn (36) and our beautiful daughter Hollie (7). It took us 3 years to conceive Hollie, and it’s been 3 more years since we’ve been trying for baby #2. It’s in God’s hands now. Throughout the 2 week wait (from the time of the embryo transfer, to my blood test to see if I’m pregnant or not), I’m feeling no different than any of our other failed cycles. Well, even if I am feeling different, I’m trying to prepare myself that it’s the fertility drugs and that I may not be pregnant. Having done this so many times, and having my hopes up, I just want to be prepared, just in case.

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