What a wonderful Christmas break we have had. I thought long and hard about how fortunate we truly are. Watching the twins and Hollie over the break, and how much they have grown in a year showed me that I'm so blessed. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for my family.
Christmas came and went so fast. Everyone came to our house, which was so nice. We were able to keep the twins on their schedule, which was so incredibly helpful. First, Shawn's mom came over and we opened a few presents. Hollie got to open ALL of her presents from us and Santa. Below is a picture of her opening up her big surprise. I bought her a jewelry box, and when she opened up the lid to it, there was a sign that I made that said, "Do you want to go get your ears pierced? TOMORROW???" She was so surprised.

Then, Shawn's aunt, uncle and grandmother came over. We had BBQ catered from Dickies BBQ, which was absolutely fabulous. Thank you Ann, for arranging everyting and helping to put it all together. I think we pulled it off successfully. We missed having Shayne (Shawn's brother), Barbi and their kiddos over. They were sick, and were unable to make it. Here are a few pictures...

Afterwards, my mom and Joe came in and we celebrated Christmas that night. It was so calm and relaxing. Of course, I was pooped and completely forgot to get my camera out to take pictures, but we had such a nice time. The next day, we all went to the mall to get Hollie's ears pierced. She was nervous and excited. Her friend Rylee met us up there for support. Below are pictures...

Then, Candice (Jackson's Mom) came in on Tuesday with her son Ty to visit. They got in late Tuesday night. Wednesday, I hired a baby sitter to watch the twins, while we took her son and Hollie shopping with us. We had a wonderful time. She bought the twins the most adorable bows. These are two of the hats. Oh so cute...

Candice, I loved our visit. You are an amazing friend and have been through so much. I had so much fun talking and laughing with you. I look forward to our next visit. Thank you so much for the adorable bows. They are so darn cute. I will send you pictures of them wearing the others that you got them.
Next up was New Years. We had a few people over for games, chili and good fun!!! The girls played games, while the guys watched football. Here is a picture of the girls. We had a blast. From left to right, Angel, Cinnamon, me, Leah and Amanda.

As you all know, Hollie's birthday is on January 2nd. We had a fun day filled with lots of activities that she wanted to do. First up, was lunch at Subway (her fave), she's still easy that way! Then, we got our nails done. Actually, it was a milk and honey manicure. We could have stayed there for hours. It was fun and relaxing. It was what we both needed!!! Then, we went back home to pick up Shawn and the twins. Hollie wanted to go eat yogurt at the new yogurt bar down the street. The twins weren't too sure about it, and didn't have much fun, but Hollie loved it. She loved making her own bowl and adding her own toppings. Afterwards, we went home for a brief break, and then went to dinner to celebrate. Below are pictures from dinner.

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year!!! 2011 is going to be an awesome year! I just know it!