Thanksgiving update and pics

>> Monday, November 30, 2009

This Thanksgiving flew by!!! I was really looking forward to Hollie being home for a week, and it just went by so fast, even I was upset when she went back to school this morning. Here are a few pictures and videos. But, let me first say that Brooke is turning over from back to front (she did this for the first time the night before Thanksgiving). And Hollie lost her two front teeth!!! Here are the pics of our family on Thanksgiving... First the videos... This one is Kamryn partying it up in her exersaucer. She's really talking!!!

Here is Brooke rolling over from back to front. She did this for the first time in her crib the night before Thanksgiving. So, this is the morning after. I didn't think she was going to do it, so I moved over to Kamryn, and right as I did that, she rolled over. I caught it though. Oh and I think the camera adds 10 lbs.

Here are pictures from Thanksgiving with Shawn's family... These are Shawn's Grandmother GG (Great Grand) with Brooke and Kamryn.

And here is Aunt Judy and GG holding the twins. GG is holding Kamryn and Kamryn ended up falling asleep in her arms. So sweet!!!

Then, on Friday morning, we drove to Austin. This was the twins first road trip, and I have to say they did great. My mom was gracious enough to get us a hotel room. She also rented exersaucers, high chairs and an extra pack and play for the hotel room. It worked out perfectly, and we are so thankful!!!

Here's Uncle Terry (my sisters husband) with Kamryn.

And my sister with Brooke...

My step dad went to the nursing home to pick up my grandparents (Nana and Grandpa). This was their first time to see the babies. As soon as they were inside, I got the kids together for several pictures. I've never seen my grandmother so happy!!!

And here is Brooke and Shawn watching football together.

And last, but certainly not least, Hollie lost her two front teeth!!! I'm pretty sure that's all she wants for Christmas... These were taken this morning, as she lost the second one in the middle of the night. She was so excited!!!

We truly hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving. We loved seeing our family and look forward to Christmas when we can see everyone again.

Much love,

5 Months Old

>> Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I can't believe that Brooke and Kamryn are 5 months old today! The time truly is going by so fast. As demanding and challenging as they are, all three of my daughters are the lights of my life!!! Here are a few pictures...

This first one is Hollie feeding Brooke. Hollie helps me out so much! The heavier the girls get, the harder it is for me to carry both of them at the same time, so Hollie is my little helper in the mornings. She'd much rather be writing in her diary or playing with her American Girl Dolls, but she toughs it out and helps me anyway!!! I think she's going to be on Santa's "Good Girl" list this year!!!

This next one is Kamryn. It's obviously her bedtime, and I think I was still bathing Brooke and getting her ready for bed. Well, Kamryn couldn't wait!!!

This next one is Brooke in her exersaucer! Lately, she leans back like she's in a recliner or something. It's so cute.

And this last one is the two of them this morning. These hats were given to us by Sheryl Trost, Jaime's mommy, back when we both found out we were having CDH babies. These hats were my very first baby gift I received for the twins. I couldn't wait to put them on their sweet little heads. And seeing how it was 42 degrees outside this morning, it was the perfect time. How cute are they???

I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week. This time last year, I had just learned that I was expecting two miracles, instead of one. I think I was really nervous and really excited all at the same time. I think that Shawn and I both have grown so much since then, and have learned to take each day one day at a time, and live life to its fullest, because you never know what God is going to toss you.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. We will be posting more pictures soon.


Halloween Pics!

>> Sunday, November 1, 2009

Okay, so Shawn's fever FINALLY broke late last night. He still has a headache, but I see light at the end of the tunnel!!! Whew! Here are the pictures I promised...

These first few are of Hollie carving the pumpkin. What a fiasco this was... We bought the pumpkin a few days before we carved it, and when we opened it up the night before Halloween, it was all moldy inside. So, we had to rush to the store to get another one. Well, guess what, they were sold out. So, we went to another store, and thankfully, they still had pumpkins. We opened this one up, and it was perfect. I bought this really cool pumpkin carving kit, that is really easy and really no carving at all. You just hammer these colored pegs into the pumpkin and when you put the flickering light in, it lights up the colors. It's really neat and the pictures don't do it justice.

These are of Hollie "gutting" the pumpkin... Actually, this was a staged photo. I got to do the dirty work...

Here's Hollie dressed up in her costume. She was Sharpay from High School Musical. She LOVED her long blonde hair, and wore the wig ALL DAY LONG!!! Brooke kept looking at her like, who are you??? So cute. Here's Hollie all diva'd up!

And we can't forget the babies. They were dressed up as pumpkins. Well, just pumpkin onesies, but hey, they looked adorable. I made sure they were dry, fed and rested before I attempted to take these pictures. Brooke just wouldn't hear of it. She was so cranky, and thought the whole picture taking thing was a not so good idea... Kamryn, needless to say, had a hard time focusing on smiling for the camera... LOL!

So, here's Kamryn...

She's definitely packing on the pounds, and catching up with Brooke.

So, last night, Shawn was at his worst. His temperature was 102, and his cough was so bad, that his chest was in so much pain. I called the doctor on call, and had them call in an antibiotic and cough medicine. Well, that turned into a huge ordeal. The pharmacy that I had them call it into, closed right before I got there. I called the doctor back and had the answering service call the doctor, to have him call the prescription into a 24 hours pharmacy. So, while I was picking up the medicine, my friend Cinnamon took Hollie and her daughter Rylee trick or treating. I was so bummed that I missed walking house to house with Hollie. I've never missed a Halloween with her, but I had to get this medicine for Shawn. He was so miserable. Thank you so much Cinnamon for taking them. I appreciate it so much!!! You're awesome and I owe you one!

That's it for now. Enjoy the pictures. More to come later.


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